Magic Link & Next Auth Tutorial

Build an authentication system using Next Auth & Magic Link

What will we build?

We will be building a nextauth authentication system that uses magic link. By the end of the free course, users will be able to input their email, get sent the magic link, and be registered as a user in your app.


What will I learn?

In this course, you will learn to:

Send users a verification email
Setup Next Auth
Verify users
Correctly use an ORM
Connect to a database
Create a user session
Display user data
Deploy to the web
$ npm i tutorial
$ learning...
$ tutorial learnt!

Difficulty Level

This course is for any programmer wanting to learn how to setup email authentication for their app! We cover some advanced topics but they are well explained & covered in depth.

Purchase course

Magic Link & Next Auth Tutorial


Database Setup
ORM Connection
Next Auth & Resend Setup
10 Free Chapters
Chapter Code
Free Github Repository
Short Chapters

Free now. Free forever.